Marine Grade Stainless Steel.
Spring Steel.
Hardware Strength Testing.
All of our Nature's Sway hardware, has been tested on a 158 tonne computer-controlled testing bed, calibrated by Australian Calibrating Services.
All metal parts have a minimum breaking weight of 200kg (440lb).
Stainless Steel Chain
4mm stainless steel chain, part no CHSSR04
Examination type: Destructive test
Load applied to destruction: 800kg
Stainless Steel Karabiner
5mm stainless steel karabiner, part no KBSS05
Examination type: Destructive test
Load applied to destruction: 300kg
Stainless Steel Quick link
3.5mm stainless steel quick link, part no QLSS03.5
Examination type: Destructive test
Load applied to destruction: 300kg
Stainless Steel D-Shackle
6mm stainless steel wide dee shackle, part no SHDSSWB06
Examination type: Destructive test
Load applied to destruction: 1800kg
Stainless Steel Swivel
Examination type: Destructive test
Load applied to destruction: 280kg
Spring and Internal Safety Webbing Strap
Examination type: Destructive test
Load applied to destruction: 300kg